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Field officers

What is a Field Officer?

Field Officers support apprentices and host employers by:

  • Providing a continuous contact point and duty of care
  • Assisting with induction training
  • Providing information on the competencies required of a work supervisor
  • Providing advice and assistance with development of training plans
  • Providing flexible options to integrate off-the-job training with on-the-job training
  • Seeking feedback from new apprentices on the quality of training
  • Mentoring and coaching apprentices on all aspects of their work, including attitude and performance
  • Fulfilling expectations and legal obligations of the training contract
  • Assisting with planning and implementation of additional training requirements
  • Providing Workplace Health and Safety information and guidance

Our Field Officers are key to the success of our training program and ensure that EGT apprentices and host employers are adequately supported.

Contact us to enquire about EGT's Field Officers.

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