6 min read

December Pt.3 - Mental Health

Look Twice Act Once December Part 3 Mental Health Image Card Dark Blue

Whilst many of us find this time of year a particularly joyous one – there are some who, plainly, do not. Whether that’s because of stresses from work, social gatherings, or a general dislike for this time of year – there are some people who find this part of the year tough.

We wanted to take a moment to recognize this. And we also wanted to take a moment to say that it’s okay to be overwhelmed, or not in the best mental state in this time of year. It’s stressful.

Know that we here at EGT take our safety role as an employer very seriously – and that extends to mental health. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, or just feel a little unlike yourself – remember there are a heap of people who can help. (We’ve placed these numbers at the bottom of this article)

But what can you do to help? Let’s say you know someone is having a difficult time – what are some of the things you could do to help?

1 – Ask if they’re OK.

If you notice someone isn’t acting or being themselves – it’s not a problem to ask if they’re OK. And, if they say they are, it’s also ok to ask them again. Remember, depression and anxiety can manifest in very different ways across different people – but being that they are your workmates you probably know them better than some of their mates do. And, it might just be this question which leads to them getting help.

2 - Listen

Listening doesn’t just mean listening to what someone has to say. It’s also being aware of odd behaviour, seeing what people are doing around this time and overhearing conversations on site which you might think are out of character – or sound particularly stressful. Of course, it could just be being someone to bounce an idea off, or to help someone verbalise what they’re feeling.

3 – Seek Help

This may also apply to yourself, but he best way to help someone after the first two steps is to seek help. This should be professional help, and you can find it through one of our partners, your own research, have a professional recommended to you, or even one recommended to you by a GP. Whatever the case – know that help is available.

4 – Be aware

This last point is really for those who are fortunate enough not to be afflicted with a mental health issue. Be aware that there are some people who are, and who at this time of year, can be suffering even more. They may feel isolated, they may feel lonely, they may be erratic, and they may be overly zealous. Whatever the case – remind yourself that people might be going through some things that you’re unaware of – particularly at this time – and show a little compassion.

With that, we’d also like to wish you all a very merry Christmas as we sign off for the year. The quiz will be uploaded next week, and we will announce a winner in the new year.

Stay Safe, and remember – do #noharm!

Contact Details:


Worklink is our EAP. They are a confidential service who any employee of EGT can speak to, completely free, to discuss issues which might be preventing them from performing at their best. It’s completely confidential, and can often lead individuals to get help if needed. Their number is 1800 468 001

Mates in Construction

Mates is an industry back, research based, charitable organisation formed with the goal to reduce the high level of suicide amongst Australian construction workers. MATES provides suicide prevention through community development programs on sites, and by supporting workers in need through case management and a 24/7 help line – 1300 642 111.

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue provide support programs to address issues related to depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental illnesses. They offer a free mental health line, 1300 22 4636, and also a host of webchat and email services on their website at beyondblue.org.au.

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