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L2A1: Sports Injuries

TTAO Sports Injuries Dark Blue

We know that like most people, you probably work to live, not live to work. And here in WA there’s so much to see, do and be involved in that it’s genuinely hard not to head out on the weekend and play soccer or hit the gym after work.

But, we also know that these activities can cause major issues when it comes to injuries sustained whilst careening a mountain bike down a hill at ridiculous-kilometres per hour.

So, whatever your external-to-work activity is, here are some handy tips to make sure you’re as safe as you can be – and your income isn’t impacted by an injury you might sustain on your time off.


Warm up, stretch, and get ready

When you’re excited about going for a run, or hitting the field with your mates sometime you can overlook the importance of warming up and stretching. But this is a critical in making sure you aren’t injured halfway into your activity. So, before you start going hard on the field, make sure you do a warm up routing that stretches all your muscles, and warms up your body ready for the exertion it’s about to endure. If you don’t this is how you pull a muscle, or damage yourself. As a general rule, a warm up for 5-10 minutes is a great idea. And when you’re done, make sure you cooldown as well – follow the same routine but double the length of time you’ve taken.

Use the right gear

If you’re lifting weights, or riding a bicycle, the bottom line is the same – you want the right equipment to do the job you’re trying to do .That includes the exercise equipment, as well as articles of clothing which will help you stay cool, and keep a good grip on the ground. If your shoes are starting to look a bit worse for wear example, replace them – slipping over whilst trying to do a deadlift is no laughing matter. If the tyres on your bike are worm and dated, get some new ones. If you think you need one, wear a helmet! Remember it’s a hobby – and spending money to keep yourself doing it is part of the hobby itself.

Learn the right techniques

There is a wealth of knowledge out there these days, which can help you learn the correct (and incorrect) way of doing things. Whether that’s putting wax on your surfboard so you don’t slip off mid-wave, or speedwalking with your mates, there is a technique for everything. Sometimes these techniques are there for the safety of the exerciser as well – to make sure you don’t pull a muscle, or severely hurt yourself in another way. Little tips like running with bright colours on so you’re easily seen (especially important if you run early in the morning or late evening), or working your way up to heavy weights instead of starting flat out at your limit are tidbits which will help you stay safe on the weekend.

Listen to your body

At the end of the day, your body will tell you if something is wrong, or if something is too hard, or if you’re pushing it too far. Don’t ignore that feeling in your gut that tells you something is wrong. And, if you do happen to pull a muscle, or hurt yourself, then take the appropriate steps to get it sorted, and so you heal correctly and without further injury.


So there you have it – a few ways to keep yourself safe on the weekend and days off. No matter what you love to do outside your work hours, it’s imperative you stay as safe as you can.

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